
Thursday, May 1, 2008

Why yes, Virginia, Reading really IS Fundamental

OK. Unless I'm missing something here - and if I am, for heaven's sake please tell me, because I can assure you this is not something I want to be disillusioned about - the final list of legislators who signed the RiF letter is out. By my count, forty-eight senators signed it.

I asked my friends and flist in the Obama camp for an explanation as to why he hadn't signed, about a week after the news that President Satan's Cockpuppet had slashed funds for Reading is Fundamental. This is a no-brainer. This is Reading is Fundamental, dudes. Hello?

Of the three candidates for president, one candidate signed it: Hillary Clinton. For the record, she was among the earliest people to put her name to the letter - this was not jump on the bandwagon decision. And right now, for this particular issue, I'd be fine with a cold-blooded political motive. Go ahead, guys - jump on the bandwagon. Getting RiF kept in place is the bottom line. It's what matters, here.

John McCain didn't sign it. Neither did Barack Obama.

Now, I wouldn't expect The Esteemed Toadstool from Arizona to sign it. OMG, spend money on eddicayshun? That's Soshulismistical! My core constituency would hate me! Nuh-UH! Do not want! This is because John McCain is a wanker and a waste of protoplasm.

But it never occurred to me that Barack Obama wouldn't be arsed to put his name on this letter. WTF?

I am seriously pissed off, over here. I've been urged to go read all his speeches. I've been urged to read his book. He wants my vote. He wants change! Our Time Is Now!

Not if our kids can't READ, honey. Go sign the letter, then we'll talk, maybe.

Unless someone can give me a damned good reason why he abstained, he's added yet another level of difficulty in trusting this man enough to add my vote to his column if he gets the nomination. I could give a crap about pretty speeches and heavily edited books. I want ACTIONS.

Someone out there in Obama's camp, talk to me. Why did he not sign the RiF support letter?


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