
Monday, May 14, 2007

What's Happening

This is me, trying to keep everyone abreast of what's new in my Writing Universe:

1. Big News of the Day: My excellent agent, Kate McKean of the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency, has just confirmed the sale of Rock & Roll Never Forgets, the first in my Kinkaid Chronicles series, to St. Martins Press, on their Minotaur mystery imprint. The book is scheduled to be released spring/summer 2008, and I'll be touring and promoting this series as hard as I can; right now, they're buying just the first with an option on the second, and we want to make very sure the first one does landmark business. As many of you know, this series means a lot to me, as it recaptures some voices and beloved people from my own history in Bay Area rock and roll. More news as it happens....

2.Still Life With Devils: I'm delighted and very proud to have had Still Life With Devils, a thriller about a San Francisco serial killer who may not be human, chosen as the premier book published by Drollerie Press (www.drolleriepress.com). The book is due out in October 2007 in trade paperback, and I'll be setting my schedule to do as many events as I can to promote it. If you pre-order it through the Drollerie website, you can get an autographed and inscribed copy. See my brand new shiny revamped website (www.deborahgrabien.com) for more details.

3. New-Slain Knight: The fifth and final book in the Haunted Ballads series, featuring musician Ringan Laine, debuts right around Halloween 2007. Have a look at my website for details, including another glorious cover from artist Marina Drukman.

4. For Keeps: Women Tell the Truth About Their Bodies, Growing Older, and Acceptance: This is a wonderful anthology of non-fiction essays, published by Seal Press (an imprint of Avalon) and edited by Victoria Zackheim. The contributors are a stellar group of women writers. Publication, so far as I know, is early 2008; I'll send more details as I receive them. For those familiar with the story behind the Kinkaid Chronicles, my contribution to this anthology, Truth, in the Middle, deals with how and why I came to write them, and why I wrote them now.
Available December 2007 from Seal Press

4. Scheduled Events, now: I will be signing in the East Bay at Clayton Books in Clayton, CA, this Saturday (12 May), with fellow author David Skibbins, between 3:00 and 5:00 PM. This is the store's grand opening party under its new ownership, so come on out, enjoy refreshments and good company, and support a wonderful store. If you need directions, their phone number is 925 (673-3325). The address is 5433 D Clayton Road, Clayton, CA, 94517.

5. Scheduled Events, summer: I will be doing a series of library panels for the Santa Clara County Library system, sharing with different local mystery writers as part of the SCCLS summer reading program. These are free, and books will be available for purchase at a discounted price, so come on out and see us! My dates are as follows:

9 July, at the Los Altos Library, 7:00 pm: Deborah Grabien, Rhys Bowen, David Corbett

11 July, at the Saratoga Library, 7:00 pm: Lora Roberts, James Calder, Deborah Grabien

8 August, at the Campbell Library, 7:00 pm: Rhys Bowen, Deborah Grabien, David Corbett

23 August, at the Morgan Hill Library, 7:00 pm: Deborah Grabien, David Corbett, Rhys Bowen.

So, there you have it. If you have any questions, or want further information about anything in this email - or, if you simply want to say hello! - feel free to email me at DebGrabien at gmail.com.

Deborah Grabien